“Can dos!” are practical (and mostly easy😮) ways to:

  • save water
  • collect and use rainwater and
  • help refill our freshwater aquifers.
  • Give one (or more) a try!
  • Share how it worked in our Water Talk blog (and with family/friends, etc.)

Can Do 3:

  • Be a water detective!
  • Find leaky pipes, faucets, and toilets!
  • Then report them or fix them!
  • T Share your findings and report/repair actions in our Water Talk blog!

In this “Water Short” video, volunteer, Gina, tries to find out how much water one leaky pipe wastes… drop by drop! (in English with subtitles in Greek and English)

Imagine! Just one slow-leaking pipe wastes 1.2 liters of water per hour!
1 faster leak (“a trickle”) like the one in this picture wastes:
144 liters a DAY!

This video (in English) gives us more proof: Fixing leaks saves lots of water!

Can do 2: (especially for children)

  • Check out this worksheet with water-saving ideas for children (of all ages.)
WiL World Water Day 2023 Event: Helping children learn how they can help solve the water problem!

Can do 1: Save Water (and maybe €, too!)

  • Put an empty bucket in your shower!
  • Use it to collect water while you wait for it to reach the temperature you want.
  • Use the water in the bucket for cleaning, or watering plants!
  • Hotel and rent rooms/apartment owners: Offer water collecting buckets to your guests.
One of the easiest ways to save water: Collect water in a bucket in the shower until the water is hot/cold enough for you!